Thursday, January 29, 2004

If you've often wondered what life is like for a molar, you've got to check out this guy's pinhole camera site. Not only is pinhole camera photography cool, but this guy's got it going on from inside his mouth.
Pinhole photography by Justin Quinnell [via BoingBoing]
It must have been something he ate. A less-than-alive sperm whale exploded in Taiwan due to buildup of decomposition-related gases while it was being trucked through the city. Shops and bystanders--who were apparently on hand to "experience the size" of the whale's 5-foot penis--were drenched in blood and half-rotted entrails. That'll teach 'em. I'm pretty sure if we had dropped moldering whale corpses ready to pop on Iraq, we could have had Saddam's surrender in a matter of minutes.Thar she blows! Dead whale explodes.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Finally, a site devoted to the good part of Kung Fu movies--the flippy, spinny, my-foot-up-yer-ass-when-I'm-just-a-whirling-blur type stuff. Tell me you don't want to be one of these guys.
Martial Arts TRICKZ
Check out Qrio, the next step in the grand effort to replace children with robots. He can run, dance, and throw a baseball--three things that children do, but without the whining, pooping, screaming, and potential for future axe murders that children are prone to.Running, Pitching, and Dancing QRIO!!!!![via Kokoro]
From Gossiping Bitches, a new study finds Britons Can't Rap:
"'in most facets of hip-hop, British people scored the lowest worldwide. In fact, in the areas of 'Respecting One's Gangsta' and 'Keeping It Real', the British subjects barely even registered...It doesn't mean that the United Kingdom is completely devoid of culture, though. England is still first in crumpets, cute slang terms for feces, and those nifty bowler derbies that I always see on BBC television."

This all despite Ali G and Dizzee Rascal (btw what the fuck kind of gangsta name is that anyway).

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Fantastically cool--who said biotech was only used for evil? Oh yeah, Bush. Take that you creationist ignoramus moroon.

Flower-Power Could Help Clear Land mines
Interesting "well maybe its possssibbblle..." type story on how dem Ruskies determined that the parting of the Red Sea was possible, given a series of groovy coincidences.
Study: Red Sea parting was possible - (United Press International)[via whatevs]
Wow, I just realized I blatantly ripped off Wonkette for that last post. Or at least I could be accused of doing so. In fact, I was on the Washington Post site after following the Wonkette link on Franken when I realized that LaRouche sounded familiar. Somehow I got to the same page after googling "LaRouche," thought the interview was notable and posted (below). So I only half ripped off Wonkette for cred. Oh well, I've gone that a lot, I suppose. Are there laws about that sort of thing?
It's sort of passe to make fun of Lyndon LaRouche (I think I remember one of my history teachers making fun of him in High School), but I've got to link to this interview anyway. He claims that the Grateful Dead were both an offshoot of the MK-ULTRA operations and the brainchild of the Occult Bureau of Huxley for British intelligence. I don't suppose I can really refute those claims, but this guy seems just a bit off his gourd. No wonder Al Franken thought nobody would mind if he took out a LaRouchie.
I had never really heard of this before, but the cluetrain manifesto seems like a no bullshit good idea. Or at least an excuse to keep blogging.
Whew, that's a load off my mind. It would appear that Neaderthals were not a major contributor to the genetic makeup of modern Homo sapiens. It's still possible that they will be shown to be a major contributor to the Republican Party (damn, I'm on a roll today).
Neanderthal Study Press Release
First Portland State's Open Source rocket design club, now this: a group of developers collaborating to make Open Source UAVs using R/C helicopters. Damn that's cool. Tell me again why we need NASA for a mission to Mars?
Is it too late to put my two cents in? For the record, I think Joe Lieberman is a douche bag. If I had to choose between Joe and George, I'd write in Cretien. That's how bad I think the leader of the fascist wing of the Democratic Party would be for America.
Lieberman says he's got the 'Joementum'
Somebody might actually buy this argument if they thought that anyone in the Bush administration knew what "evil biology" is. I'm pretty sure it's the sort of biology that results from plant survey transects carried out by pierced, goth socialists who don't have the nation's logging interests in mind. They probably even listen to Marilyn Manson or Jessica Simpson (whoops, that just slipped out). Why is it that calling biological warfare agents a hazard we've managed to stigmatize the biological sciences that work in related areas but haven't really cast blame on the military?
Evil Biology, Evil Chemistry
Holy Shnikes! A report demonstrating that Fox News is just that--Faux News. If you watch news media that lies, you're more likely to have blatant misconceptions about the world around you (duh). Specifically, you're more likely to believe in a connection between al-Qaeda and Saddam, which even the White House has admitted doesn't exist. No word yet on if you're more likely to pronounce 'Saddam' like GB 41 or GB 43 when you're proselytizing to your better informed, NPR-listener acquaintances at cocktail parties.
Asia Times - Fox News Listeners Are Just Plain Dumb
So it turns out that they don't just load up a SCUD, point it at Mars, press the button and go back to their day jobs while waiting the two years for the probe-age to begin. Here's a bunch of animations that those NASA guys made while twiddling their thumbs. I think Sean O'Keefe just had his guys make pretty movies to keep them from asking "Are we there yet?"; I also strongly suspect that these guys made all those "shock and awe" propaganda animations that showed us how we were gonna kick Iraqi ass PS2 style.
Mars Exploration: Multimedia
It makes sense that this is out there, but I never really thought to look:
Chuck Palahniuk Online.
Excellent political flash animation, starring Ben of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Check it out:
Wow. Believe it or not, it appears as if the US has an ACTUAL TERRORIST in custody in Guantanamo Bay. It's a good thing this shmuck and the other 600 captives weren't able to avail themselves of the American Justice System, 'cause it sure sounds like a tough nut to crack.
Customs agent tells of stopping '20th hijacker'
What happened to America? What would it hurt for this guy to get an English-speaking lawyer? He'd still go down.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Innuendo? There's a bird innuendo. How to talk like a redneck:
American Accent Training[Via Chica
The Japanese are trying to out-do the Renn Fayre bouncy ball drop:
Ping-Pong Ball Avalanche
Cool Idea of the Day:
Cambodian Wifi motorcycles
Just in case you needed another excuse to not eat Avacados (besides the old standby, "they taste bad"):
Someone Is Stealing Avocados, and ’Guac Cops’ Are on the Case

Sunday, January 25, 2004

All right, now I just feel stupid. Thanks a lot, kid.12-year-old begins medical school at the University of Chicago
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice...
{or something along those lines--very funny flash anyway}End Of World
What if God's a real dumbass? This group would like to see the Ohio Board of Indoctrination require teachers to present 3 different natural history viewpoints to their pupils:
1. Evolution: natural processes, all of which are scientifically verified and nearly impossible to deny, resulted in life as we know it.
2. Intelligent Creationism: some really badass ectoplamic divinity created the earth and all yo' peeps with a coherent design in mind.
3. Unintelligent Creationism: the universe was created by a fairly dumb, Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel-type God, and the overall crappiness of the world reflects his failure. That's probably why you can't get a date.Unintelligent Design Network, Inc.
Score cool free fonts from this place, which has a real retro fetish going on.Dinc!
This is definitely one of my favoritesFUH2 | Fuck You And Your H2
Just won the lottery and looking to buy me something? Check this out.Mptronix - Home of the Ultimate Muzic Player
Everyone who might actually be reading this has probably already seen this site, but I'm gonna link to it just the same. Very cool.Stencil Revolution
Yesterday was stunningly unproductive, so today I'm up at the L&C law library trying to get some workage done. So far, so good, but the jury's still out. In the meantime, I'll try to find something or other to post.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Far and away the funniest thing I've seen todaySUPER MODEL MEAT SPORTS
Please forgive this for being the first post. Now, there's an ostentatious way to start a blog. I guess I'm not expecting to give it much more than a good ol' college try. According to the wisdom of Calvin & Hobbes, that means I'll take a half-assed crack at it and go have a beer. I'm not that ambitious; I'll probably give it a quarter-ass try and go work on my thesis instead. I call that my high school diploma try. As in, "If I don't get my thesis intro done, all I'll have to my name is a high school diploma." More to follow. Stay in touch....{Pshhhh...} End Transmission.