Thursday, November 18, 2004

Oh goodie. President Bush plans on re-writing the tax code to eliminate the alternative minimum (which is an attempt to make rich people--who normally might shove their money into offshore tax shelters or use other loopholes to avoid paying their share--pay at least some tax). To pay for this, and other "tax yer income only oncet" measures, homeboy is gonna get rid of tax deductions for health care, amongst other horrors. Right now that peice in The Onion (see below) seems especially appropriate. Thanks, red states, for voting against your interests. If you use only simple words and stumble when you speak in public, maybe the mouth-breathers will elect you president. link

While I'm on the subject of taxes, has it ever bothered you that some of the selfsame nimrods who flaunt patriotism like it comes from a HappyMeal or free with the purchase of ten miniature American flags, and who deride as traitors those who disagree with the President on important issues like the war in Iraq, would gladly do virtually anything to avoid giving back to society in their share by using tax loopholes? Who are the real traitors? Who is putting their money where their mouth is?
[Via The Regular]


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