Thursday, November 11, 2004

I'd like to share a letter to the editor in today's Oregonian that my boss brought to my attention:

Bush 'represents our values'
My wife and I voted for President Bush. We don't go to church. However, we don't want Roe vs. Wade overturned. We believe that the Iraq war was a mistake and lament the loss of jobs overseas. We believe access to affordable medical care is a right.

Why did we vote the way we did? We voted for Bush because we believe he represents our values and his opponent did not. Our values reject the hedonistic and materialistic values of popular culture.

To be specific, we reject the trash we see in the popular media and abhor the way it projects American culture to the rest of the world.

We dislike elitists from the large urban centers who demean simple people who believe in God and express their faith by going to church. We believe in God, and although we don't attend church, we believe the Ten Commandments and Christian teachings are an excellent basis for moral and ethical behavior. We suspect we are not alone.

Dale P. Henken Coquille

I was going to rip this one apart, urban elitist that I am, but if you can't see the folly in this one...god help us all.


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